How does Pilates compare to yoga?
In some respects, Pilates conditioning is like yoga, particularly styles of yoga where a series of movements flow together. Both are considered mind-body type methods of movement; both emphasize deep breathing and smooth, long movements that encourage your muscles to relax and lengthen. There a few differences. The yoga practice may suggest a slightly different use of the nostrils verses mouth breathing. Pilates suggest inhaling through the nostrils and exhaling through the mouth. In Pilates the breath moves East West where in Yoga the suggestion maybe to extend the abdomen outward and inward. The Pilates practice emphasizes much more abdominal specific exercises, as well as exercises where the emphasis is on the abdomen maintaining control as the limbs are moving. The focus is on dynamic flexibility vs. static flexibility. There are times where participants may find some static stretches being utilize in a pilates class during cool down or in between exercises.
In some respects, Pilates conditioning is like yoga. Both are considered mind-body type methods of movement; both emphasize deep breathing and smooth, long movements that encourage your muscles to relax and lengthen. The difference is that while yoga requires moving from one static posture to the next without repetitions, Pilates flows through a series of movements that are more dynamic, systematic and anatomically based. The goal with Pilates is to achieve optimal functional fitness.