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How does salinity affect seagrass growth?

affect growth salinity seagrass

How does salinity affect seagrass growth?


Salinity affects the seagrass growth. Most seagrasses thrive between 17 and 36 parts per thousand (ppt), although species like shoal grass can withstand salinities as low as 4 ppt and as high as 42 ppt. Open ocean water has a salinity of 36 ppt, so tidal action does influence the salinity of the bay. Many factors can influence the salinity of an estuary. Some include increases in human coastal populations, coastal tourism, recreational activities, urbanization and coastal development. All of these factors lead to increased stormwater runoff as previously vegetated areas are developed into towns with roads and parking lots. Therefore, the salinity of the bay is affected by freshwater inputs and tidal action. 5. How does light affect seagrass growth? Explain the correlation between water clarity and depth of seagrass. Material that becomes mixed or suspended in water will cause the water to become more turbid and reduce the clarity of the water. As the water clarity decreases, light will

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