How does the “Ru25 Plus” FSH Menopause Test compare to the serum and saliva testing?
A. The “Ru25 Plus” FSH Menopause Test is very good at what it does. It measures and detects human follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) in urine at a sensitivity cutoff level of 25 mIL/ml (anything less the test reads negative, anything more the test reads positive). The usual reasons for constant elevated FSH levels throughout the cycle are related to menopause or the gradual shutdown (failure) of the ovaries. In order for your FSH levels to be evaluated, other hormone levels (i.e., estrogen) first need to be low (in the menopausal range). Consequently, a positive test for elevated FSH (except at mid-cycle) is a clue to the onset of menopause or some other medical condition adversely effecting normal ovarian function. The “Ru25 Plus” FSH Menopause Test is for home use. A positive qualitative test for elevated levels of FSH does not, under any circumstance, confirm or deny a diagnosis of menopause or ovarian failure. If you do home testing such as this and have positive test results, furt