How does the voting process ensure that SOL’s polls are bona fide?
The validity of poll members’ identity and the integrity of the on-line voting are paramount to the party reaching its goals. To help ensure a bona fide process, anyone applying to be a poll member will be required to register on SOL’s website. The poll member registration process will include but will not be limited to: • Confirming personal details, including date of birth, home address and middle names, against the Australian Electoral roll • There will be further verification of a person’s ‘bona fides’. This will be an automated process likely to be similar to the PayPal verification process where the applicant will nominate a bank account in their name. SOL would deposit two (2) amounts between 10 cents and $1.00. The applicant would need to confirm these amounts back to SOL. • Once a person’s bona fides are established then issuing a user name and password which the poll member must use when voting. SOL will investigate occurrences of common information existing (for example, ema