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How does this compare to the safety fitness rating from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration?


How does this compare to the safety fitness rating from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration?


The FMCSA may conduct an on-site compliance review of your trucking company at any time. This review is an activity-based evaluation, designed to see if your fleet has complied with the detailed requirements of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. Some fleets have received a compliance review in the past two years; many have not received a compliance review in the past ten years. The compliance review is not based on your fleet’s ability to prevent crashes and injuries. A fleet could have a DOT-crash rate that is 75% worse than the national average and still receive a Satisfactory Rating. A fleet may have crash rates that are 20% better than the national average, and receive a Conditional Rating because fleet management made a single error in the drug testing program. In addition, the FMCSA does not evaluate workplace injury rates of any trucking company. Your fleet may work hard to prevent lost-time injuries, but the FMCSA does not evaluate your workplace safety performance.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.