How does this compare to the safety fitness rating from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration?
The FMCSA may conduct an on-site compliance review of your trucking company at any time. This review is an activity-based evaluation, designed to see if your fleet has complied with the detailed requirements of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. Some fleets have received a compliance review in the past two years; many have not received a compliance review in the past ten years. The compliance review is not based on your fleet’s ability to prevent crashes and injuries. A fleet could have a DOT-crash rate that is 75% worse than the national average and still receive a Satisfactory Rating. A fleet may have crash rates that are 20% better than the national average, and receive a Conditional Rating because fleet management made a single error in the drug testing program. In addition, the FMCSA does not evaluate workplace injury rates of any trucking company. Your fleet may work hard to prevent lost-time injuries, but the FMCSA does not evaluate your workplace safety performance.
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