How is a diagnosis made?
A traditional Chinese diagnosis is used to identify the cause of the disease and to find out where the imbalance lies, and then natural treatment techniques are used to restore the body’s harmony and balance. The treatment methods used are typically acupuncture, Chinese herbs and acupressure (therapeutic massage) as well as other associated techniques. Diagnostic information is gathered by four methods of examination: looking, listening, asking and touching. Traditionally, the most important information comes from careful inspection of the tongue, and from taking the pulse. The state of the tongue, its colour and its coating, will tell the practitioner about the state of patient’s health. The practitioner is trained to recognise 29 different pulse qualities at 3 different locations on each wrist, and these will yield further information about the patient’s energetic condition. Return to top Q: Do you use other treatments with the acupuncture?A: Yes.
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