How is Destinations2Discover marketed?
There are two main sectors which Destinations2Discover markets to:• Travel Trade Tour Operators, Travel Agents, Group Leaders, Meeting Planners • Travel Media Destinations2Discover Marketing activities rely mostly on on-and-off line marketing. Destinations2Discover advertises through e-newsletters, press releases, reciprocal web links, trade shows, conferences, and partnerships with industry organizations. In reviewing the Destinations2Discover marketing plan, there are two major points to consider: Online: • Search Engine optimization: Including reciprocal links program with travel professional partners. • E-newsletter: audience specific. i.e. tour operators, travel agent, media, etc. • Development of strategic partners such as ABA, Travel Alliance Partners, Southeast Tourism Society, The Official Interstate Guide etc. Offline: • Exhibit under the Destinations2Discover name at trade shows. top Who are Destinations2Discover members? • Marketing Organizations (DMOs) • Cities and Resorts