How is mitochondrial DNA inherited primarily?
• What is the difference between a gamete and a zygote? • What is genetic epistasis? • What is penetrance? What is expressivity? • What condition is necessary for the law of independent assortment to apply to two genes? • What is an allele? What is a gene? What is meant by locus? • When (in the cell cycle) does nuclear DNA replication occur? (answer is NOT mitosis) • When (in the cell cycle) do chromosomes condense? • What is polymorphism? Can multiple (>2) alleles exist? • What is a gene pool? • What can cause mutations? Can mutations “just happen”? Can mutations be beneficial? Can mutations be harmful? • What is a reverse mutation? • What is the significance of an error replicating DNA versus an error transcribing DNA? Which will have a greater effect? • What is meant by “parental generation”? What is F1? What is F2? • On a pedigree, how are males represented? How are females represented? How are children represented? General Biology • What is the formula for Hardy-Weinberg equilibri