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How is Pilates similar to & different from Yoga?

different pilates similar Yoga
10 Posted

How is Pilates similar to & different from Yoga?


Pilates like Yoga is a mind-body exercise which can yield better overall health. The emphasis of Pilates is toning & strengthening the midsection as well as balancing opposing muscles of the torso and the limbs. The Pilates breath may be different than particular types of yoga. The STOTT PILATES method of breathing involves breathing in through the nose and into the lower lobes of the lungs, filling the ribcage post laterally, and not filling the abdominal area. The exhale is elongated by blowing out through slightly pursed lips as the rib cage lowers & weaves & the pelvic floor lifts & as the abdominals flatten. In almost every Pilates exercise there is movement with each breath. There are no sustained static stretches like in Yoga. Stretches in the Pilates repertoire are similar to the 2-second Active Isolated stretching method of Aaron Mattes which facilitate fascia (muscle packets) movement and avoid the possibility of over stretching important form closure as in the ligaments that

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