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How is Polycythemia Vera Diagnosed?

diagnosed Polycythemia Vera
10 Posted

How is Polycythemia Vera Diagnosed?


While we have heard of cases where a diagnosis is made simply based on blood counts, most hematologists follow the guidelines of the Polycythemia Vera Study Group and run certain diagnostic tests. If the Study Group findings are present, then a diagnosis can be made with certainty. Therefore, certain physical and laboratory findings are believed critical by many doctors to reach a diagnosis of polycythemia vera. Differential diagnosis from relative polycythemia due to abnormalities in plasma volume from, for example, dehydration, rather than red cell production, requires the demonstration of absolute erythrocytosis (elevated red cell count) by direct measurement of red cell mass and plasma volume. Once an elevated red cell mass is documented, polycythemia vera must be distinguished from conditions producing isolated erythrocytosis. However some doctors feel that determining erythropoeitin levels is an appropriate indicator if the value is below 4. Researchers at Mayo Clinic are working


While we have heard of cases where a diagnosis is made simply based on blood counts, most hematologists follow the modified guidelines of the Polycythemia Vera Study Group and run a series of diagnostic tests. If the Study Group findings are present, then a diagnosis can be made with certainty. Therefore, certain physical and laboratory findings are believed critical by many doctors to reach a diagnosis of polycythemia vera. Differential diagnosis from relative polycythemia due to abnormalities in plasma volume from, for example, dehydration, rather than red cell production, requires the demonstration of absolute erythrocytosis (elevated red cell count) by direct measurement of red cell mass and plasma volume. Once an elevated red cell mass is documented, polycythemia vera must be distinguished from conditions producing isolated erythrocytosis. However some doctors feel that determining erythropoeitin levels is an appropriate indicator if the value is below 4.

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