How is the Accelerated Cure Project repository different from other repositories?
While other sample repositories do exist, few are specific to MS. Few have a large number of samples. Many do not have sufficient medical records to back up the diagnosis of the condition being studied. Rarely is any significant epidemiological data available on the donors. Many are established for a single purpose and are not useful to people in another discipline (e.g., samples are collected for genetics, but are not useful for other purposes). Not all repositories are shared outside of the labs that created them. Most repositories collect samples from each subject once. Our repository has been designed to address each of these issues. We are also collecting samples from people with other demyelinating diseases such as TM, NMO, ADEM, and ON. In addition, a unique feature of our repository is that the data derived from studying the samples is returned to the database and shared with future researchers using the samples, thus increasing the value of the collection with each study perfo