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How is the Ionosphere Formed?

formed Ionosphere

How is the Ionosphere Formed?


At the outer reaches of the Earth’s environment, solar radiation strikes the atmosphere with a power density of 1370 Watts per meter2 or 0.137 Watts per cm2, a value known as the “solar constant.” This intense level of radiation is spread over a broad spectrum ranging from radio frequencies through infrared (IR) radiation and visible light to X-rays. Solar radiation at ultraviolet (UV) and shorter wavelengths is considered to be “ionizing” since photons of energy at these frequencies are capable of dislodging an electron from a neutral gas atom or molecule during a collision. The conceptual drawing below is a simplified explanation of this process. Ionization Process Incoming solar radiation is incident on a gas atom (or molecule). In the process, part of this radiation is absorbed by the atom and a free electron and a positively charged ion are produced.


Index of Information About the Ionosphere … Research conducted by the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program uses interactive probing techniques to study the physics of the ionosphere.

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