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How is the state permitting agency involved in the process of obtaining a project permit to reopen Midnight Pass?


How is the state permitting agency involved in the process of obtaining a project permit to reopen Midnight Pass?


To reopen Midnight Pass both federal and state permits are required. The type of state authorization is called a Joint Coastal Permit (JCP) which is required from the State of Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for construction and excavation activities below mean high water and seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line. The Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems (BBCS) is responsible for administering and processing the “Joint Coastal Permit (JCP) Authorization to Use Florida’s Sovereign Submerged Lands and the Federal Dredge and Fill Permit”. The BBCS, under the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, is responsible for administering Section 161, of the Florida Statutes, and will process the Project’s application for an environmental resource permit, wetland resource (dredge and fill) permit and a sovereign submerged lands use authorization. These permits and authorizations are consolidated into a “joint coastal permit” or JCP. Activities which require

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