How long before I can eat real food after wisdom teeth are extracted?
Everyones wisdom tooth extraction is different. Some people take only two or three days to be able to eat solid food, while others, like you, find themselves waiting much, much longer than is desired. It can last up to a week or two before you can eat anything that isn’t applesauce (lol). I lasted for about five or six days when I had mine out before I could eat anything good…just be patient. I’m sure you’ll be able to eat something in time. A word of advice however: I’m not sure Subway would be the best first thing for you to eat; they use a lot of spices in their meat and pepper and whatnot…it may irritate your stitches a bit more than you’ll want…But give it a shot though! If you feel you’re ready to eat something such as Subway, then try!