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How long does a collaborative divorce case take from beginning to end?


How long does a collaborative divorce case take from beginning to end?


Wisconsin law requires a 120-day waiting period before a divorce can be finalized. Beyond that, the amount of time to let the process work – to gather and understand information and brainstorm options that will meet the needs of the family – varies from case to case. My spouse and I are planning to get a divorce without lawyers because we believe lawyers will turn it into a battle. Why would we want collaborative divorce? It’s commendable you to reach a resolution without a court battle. Collaborative attorneys can help you by educating and advising you in reaching fully informed agreements; they avoid creating disagreements where there are none. Even couples who want a peaceful divorce often find themselves struggling – not necessarily fighting – about issues like the long-term effects of decisions about children, allocation of income, and division of assets. Collaborative professionals can guide you through those discussions and help you more efficiently reach resolution. Using the s


The length of the collaborative process varies from cases to case, as it is difficult to determine how many issues will need to be negotiated. However, collaborative divorce negotiation usually resolves conflicts more quickly than traditional litigation.

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