How Long Does It Take to Get a Jamaican Passport?
Obtain and complete all required paperwork. According to the Consulate General of Jamaica, the following documents are required to obtain a Jamaican passport: Passport application form; (2) Identical color photographs (a Notary Public must signs Section G to validate the photos as belonging to the applicant); Original Birth Certificate; Original Marriage Certificate, where applicable; Original Adoption Register, where applicable and Divorce Judgment, if applicable. Obtain a passport applicant online and submit by mail. Renewal and first time passports require an application fee of US$110.00 for adults and US$80.00 for minors. Lost, stolen, damaged or tampered passports require a fee of US$190.00 for adults and US$130.00 for minors. Because all passport applications are processed and completed at the passport office in Jamaica, the processing time can takes several weeks to complete. Generally, applicants receive a Jamaican passport approximately four to six weeks from the date the appl