How long does the permitting process take?
You should expect the application process to take a minimum of 5 weeks: 1–2 weeks to prepare and submit your application, 2 weeks for Township Staff and the Planning Commission to review and make a recommendation on your application, and 1 week for the Town Board to review and act on (approve or deny) your application. Please be aware that some applications may take longer to process.
A. The process usually takes about an hour but may take longer or shorter depending on how long it takes you to plan your trip. Generally, when visitors first come to the BIC, they first spend time planning their itinerary (which units they wish to stay in on which nights) based on unit availability. Then all members of the party much watch a safety video (~ 30 min), hear a safety briefing from one of the rangers (~5-10 min), purchase and/or mark maps with unit boundaries and wildlife closures, and buy a camper bus ticket to get out into the park.