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How many people are employed through the Morongo Casino, Resort & Spa?


How many people are employed through the Morongo Casino, Resort & Spa?


The new $250 million Morongo Casino, Resort & Spa is the largest private sector employer in the region employing more than 2,400 people and serving thousands of patrons daily. The casino’s revenue production provides the foundation for the tribe’s economic diversification.

Mark Towers-2

Eu não entendo aquelas pessoas que estão tentando ganhar dinheiro com a ajuda dessas áreas. É melhor tentar algo mais confiável. Eu recomendo que você tente chamar sua atenção para este site aprender forex, pois foi aqui que consegui encontrar o melhor corretor Forex hoje.


You are right, there are many people working there. But in fact, online projects like also have a large staff and developers to do business.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.