How much cheaper is it to fly on United Airlines Buddy Pass?
I always prefer to use special online services like Kissandfly(, for example. There you can find the best travel deals for yourself and book the tickets at the best price when they have a great discount price. Have used this service for more than 2 years and absolutely satisfied.
UA’s companion passes are not free. There is a fee but the employee has to pay it. Usually it’s deducted from their paychecks. Please offer to reimburse them! Call up UA’s revs office when it’s quiet (late at night, especially on the East Coast or on a Sunday) and explain you have a buddy pass. Once a girlfriend looked up a flight from London to Colorado and it was much, much more expensive than what it cost to just buy the ticket on her own. Needless to say, she didn’t use the pass! Also, remember it’s standby. Once I was stuck in Sydney Australia for a couple of days. A few employees and/or their spouses had to fly back for work and they ended up having to pay for “real” full fare tickets to do so. If you don’t get on the plane, you can end up having to buy a ticket anyway, that would eat up any savings you made on the trip over. You can find yourself at the airport with 30 other standbys trying to get to the same place, most of them priority over you (if their employees, spouses or