How much does it cost to get a new piano string?
Are you asking about a single string or having the whole instrument restrung? Piano wire is fairly cheap, and the cost of any treble string is going to be almost completely labor. 2/3 of the treble strings (and in some cases all of them) are run “out and back” from the tuning pin, through the agraffe over the bridge around the hitch-pin, back over the bridge, through the agraffe and back to the next tuning pin. Copper wound bass strings, on the other hand, are model specific and need to be made either from a template or patterned after the original. Having a single new bass string will sound awkward in an older piano, that string will sound brighter because it doesn’t have the years of patina of the other strings. If a single bass string is broken near the tuning pin, it can often be folded over and “knotted” with a similar size core wire. It doesn’t look as pretty, but its both cheaper and sounds better. If several bass strings need replacement, it’s best to restring the whole piano.