How much is a B.C. Rich Warlock Signature Series worth?
BC Rich has many Limited Editions, Special Editions, seasonal finishes, etc. for all of their series. Yet it is not too difficult to discern the most valuable of their lines, though the value of such a guitar is basically what a particular buyer is willing to pay for it. Any US Custom series by BC Rich has value, though yours is not a US Custom (they are neck-through, hand-crafted guitars). The older Segal and Mockingbird with active circuits tend to fetch a hefty price if they are in good shape. The latter having a solid brass “Billy Badass” bridge and truss-rod cover and the defining Mother-of-Pearl “R” at the head stalk. “BC Rich” is stamped only under the bridge, out of view. And save for that “R”, there’s nothing else denoting the manufacturer. I can best suppose that your guitar was made in Korea (it would otherwise be a Special Edition “NJ”) and would value it accordingly. Though many such designs come and go, I’d say your guitar listed for about $900 new. Such list-prices are a