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How Punjab decides the beginning day of their Solar months?


How Punjab decides the beginning day of their Solar months?


The punjab school for determining the first day of the month: When the samkranti occurs on the same day of the samkranti. The same day means from one midnight to another midnight. For example if sunrise is at 7:00 AM and sunset is at 6:30 PM but the day will be considered 00:00 AM midnight to 23:59 PM and the sun enters the new rashi during that time that will be considered as the first day of the month. Lohri in 2009 Calculation example (for Seattle, WA and Pacific time zone). A) Now let’s open Indian panchang: Samkranti occurs at 6:22 AM on January 14th. B) The standard time difference between India and USA(PST) is 13 hours 30 minutes. C) Let’s subtract B from A means 13 hours 30 minutes from January 14th’s 6:22 AM. The result of the subtraction is January 13th 16:52. D) This means in the Seattle Samkranti occurs at 4:52 PM (16:52) on January 13th 2009, and in India Lohri in India on January 13th as samkranti occurs there on January 14th 6:22 AM. Hence Lohri in seattle or rather enti

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