How secure is this swapfile encryption process with BestCrypt?
Jetico (the authors of BestCrypt), claim BestCrypt generates a random key seeded from various timing info noted on boot which is held in RAM memory only. This key is therefore for all practical purposes very secure and is lost on shut down. Which must mean it is impossible for anybody to recover the swapfile on a subsequent boot. The encryption algorithm recommended is Rijndael (pronounced Rinedull). This is the algorithm chosen for the new Advanced Encryption Standard and is considered very secure. It is also very fast. If this is indeed how it works, then you can be assured your swapfile data is secure. All of the above is sufficient for a level 1 security. Level 2. This is for those who not only wish to hide their private data, but wish to hide the fact that they have such data.
Jetico (the authors of BestCrypt), claim BestCrypt generates a randomkey seeded from various timing info noted on boot which is held in RAMmemory only. This key is therefore for all practical purposes verysecure and is lost on shut down. Which must mean it is impossible foranybody to recover the swapfile on a subsequent boot. The encryptionalgorithm recommended is Rijndael (pronounced Rinedull). This is thealgorithm chosen for the new Advanced Encryption Standard and isconsidered very secure. It is also very fast. If this is indeed howit works, then you can be assured your swapfile data is secure.All of the above is sufficient for a level 1 security.Level 2. This is for those who not only wish to hide their privatedata, but wish to hide the fact that they have such data.