How Should You Research Mystery Shopper Job Opportunities?
Mystery shopper job opportunities…for some people this might sound like an ideal way to earn a living; and indeed it might be if you can find the real ones. If you’re one of those “shop till you drop” types, then read on. First, for the uninitiated, just what is a mystery shopper? For many years now, there has been a type of business that cashes in on a large company’s need to keep an eye on their large retail sales force. This is just another example of outsourcing at its finest. A large retail organization, be it Wal-Mart, Macie’s, or perhaps a restaurant chain, could hire large numbers of people and fly them around the country to visit all of their stores and see how well their customers are being treated. Or, they can outsource this to a company that specializes in it. That “mystery shopper” company would then in turn hire people all over the country on a short-term basis to do the actual evaluations. So, if this sounds like a great job to you, all you have to do is find one of t