How to a Light Bulb How to buy a light bulb – Who cares?
Light bulbs cost under 2 bucks each, right? Wrong. The total cost of a light bulb is the purchase cost plus the cost of electricity it uses. This can be significant and varies greatly by type of bulb. Considering a house may have 50 light bulbs, this can add up to big bucks. In addition, light bulbs have a large influence on the overall mood and safety of a house. Choosing the right type of light bulb for each room deserves some thought and planning. Shown above (left to right), incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, and compact fluorescent bulbs. Types • Incandescent – the standard bulbs that most people are used to. Incandescent bulbs work by using electricity to heat a filament in the bulb until it glows. The filament is either in a vacuum (no air) or in a mixture of argon/nitrogen gas. All incandescent bulbs can be used with dimmers. They product steady warm, white light that is good for most household applications. On the downside, the do produce a good amount of heat which limits th