How to cancel or reschedule a GMAT appointment?
If you had been able to schedule your GMAT appointment online, then you will be able to reschedule or cancel the GMAT appointment online. Otherwise, you will have to reschedule or cancel your appointment by phone, by mail or by fax. The details are given at the official GMAT website. You must reschedule your test appointment on or before seven calendar days before your scheduled appointment. ETS / RRC charges a rescheduling fee of U.S. $50 for each appointment you reschedule. Also note that appointments cannot be rescheduled for a date that is more than one year after the original appointment date. If you cancel your test on or before seven days from the scheduled date of appointment, you will get a partial refund. At present, the refund is US $ 80. However, if you do not cancel on or before seven calendar days, the entire fees will be forfeited.