How was the SIA used by negotiators and other stakeholders? And how did the SIA impact influence EPA negotitations?
As EPA negotiations are still ongoing it is too early to fully respond to this question. Also, it is difficult to demonstrate a causal link between recommendations made in the SIA and the ongoing ACP-EU EPA negotiations. In several areas there are parallels between recommendations in the SIA and policies being pursued in the negotiations. This is consistent with the fact that the SIA was conducted with significant public participation, including a dialogue with negotiators. However, it is also clear that the SIA has had an influence on the thinking of some negotiators. Negotiators in the EU have used the SIA for a variety of purposes. Negotiators in the EU have used the SIAs for a variety of purposes. The sector studies have been used as background information for individuals from the EU and from the ACP regions, in putting together presentations on the EPAs, writing speeches, and addressing the sustainability elements associated with the EPAs. The SIAs have thus helped to raise awaren