How will professional standards of practice and the Code of Ethics be enforced under the Act?
This is one area in which the OPFA will become more active. Complaints against R.P.F.s can be made by members of the public, employers, and other R.P.F.s. Those which merit investigation will be pursued by the OPFA. In some cases, members may be referred to a quality assurance program for skills upgrading. In others, charges may be laid against an R.P.F., and a disciplinary hearing will be held. A discipline panel will have a range of sanctions to apply, including reprimands, skills upgrading, suspension, and de-registration. All of these procedures are internal to the profession, and apply only to members. The OPFA will make more efforts to educate the public, employers and members regarding their rights and the complaints and disciplinary procedures of the Association. In addition, the OPFA can take more active measures by initiating a peer review program to ensure that members abide by ethics and standards. This could also result in corrective measures such as a referral to a qualit