How would Dominica enforce promises given by Venezuela’s present government should power there change hands?
Fact: Inflation is said to be skyrocketing in Venezuela – so much so that President Chavez has recently threatened to nationalize grocery stores if the owners did not limit their price increases. (Washington Post, February 23, 2007) Assumption: President Chavez may not remain in office if the conditions in Venezuela deteriorate significantly. His successor may not feel bound by promises he has made. 13. What are the kinds of catastrophic accidents that can occur at oil refineries? Fact: Fires and explosions are not uncommon incidents at oil refineries. These incidents may threaten the lives of persons living in the vicinity as well as persons working in the refinery. For example, on Saturday, February 17, 2007, the Associated Press reported that an explosion rocked a west Texas refinery the day before injuring at least nineteen and sparking a blaze that sent a huge black cloud billowing into the sky. Fact: Refineries are also a source of large chemical releases during fires, explosions