I am retired. How will AB 2700 affect my post-retirement earnings limitation? Will summer school earnings or cash in lieu of payments that I receive count towards the limit?
All creditable earnings will be counted towards the post-retirement earnings limitation. Therefore, any summer school earnings and any cash payments you receive from your district in lieu of health benefits will be considered as post-retirement earnings and monitored against the limitation for the school year in which they are earned. Return to top I am a 10 month full-time teacher. I worked two months of summer school at the beginning of the 2002-03 school year and earned .200 service credit. I then worked five months during the regular school year and earned .500 service credit before taking a sabbatical leave for the rest of the school year. How much service credit can I purchase for the 2002-03 school year? Since a member can only accrue one year of service credit per school year, you would be eligible to purchase .300 of a year of service credit or the difference between 1.000 and .700, your earned service credit for the year.
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- I am retired. How will AB 2700 affect my post-retirement earnings limitation? Will summer school earnings or cash in lieu of payments that I receive count towards the limit?
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