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I understand pastels can be used to achieve subtle colour variations, especially for weathering – what kind of pastel should I use?


I understand pastels can be used to achieve subtle colour variations, especially for weathering – what kind of pastel should I use?


[A] (Urban Fredriksson) Use chalk pastels, not use oil-base pastels. Most people use pastels for weathering and highlighting areas on models. I would recommend obtaining a set of shades of gray, and a set of earth tones. I obtained a set of 12 of each ranging from very light to very dark at a craft store for about $4.50 for each set. You can also obtain many individual colour, like shades of green. I’ve used these for creating the line camouflage on some German aircraft used in Africa. [Q] How do I apply pastels [A] (Urban Fredriksson) There are several ways to apply pastels. Here are some tips: 1) Make sure the model has a matte finish. This can either be the bare matte paint, or if the paint is gloss, a matte overcoat. 2) Use fine sandpaper or emery boards to make some chalk dust. At this point different coloured pastels can be mixed. 3) To apply the pastel, use a paintbrush, preferably with somewhat firm, yet soft bristles. Alternately, there are cardboard penc

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