Id like to keep gouramis in my community tank. Which are best?
One of the most commonly sold gouramis is the Dwarf gourami, Colisa lalia, but those sold today are often not as hardy as those available a decade or so ago. In addition, the males tend towards one of two extremes – they either hide constantly or are aggressive. They can also be pretty hard on the females which can end up leading a miserable life. The Honey gourami, Colisa chuna, (5cm/2″) is a much better bet. They might not look so colourful in the retailer’s tank, but they soon colour up once they’re settled in. They can also be kept in groups. Croaking gouramis like Trichopsis vittatus (7.5cm/3″) and the smaller T. pumilis are also good choices. If you have an aquarium of 90cm/36″ or more, the Thick-lipped gourami, Colisa labiosa, Moonlight, Trichogaster microlepis, and Pearl gourami, T. leeri, are good choices. Kissing gouramis, Helostoma temminckii, are really only suitable for larger community tanks. They can reach 15cm/6″ or more. The Three spot gourami, Trichogaster trichopteru