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If a unit moves within close range distance of an enemy unit, but is not within the enemy arc of fire must it check for morale?


If a unit moves within close range distance of an enemy unit, but is not within the enemy arc of fire must it check for morale?


One must reason that the fire from the guns are causing the units to check morale so, no. If you can’t hit it, it doesn’t have to make a morale check for short range arty or advanced firearms. Now if you contact an enemy unit, then yes you must check morale check no matter what face of the unit you contact. Remember that if you hit a unit in the flank not only does it suffer a negative morale modifier, but you get a positive one. Also remember that an arty unit contacted in the flank or rear receives zero combat dice.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.