In switching from an aluminum to a stainless steel propeller what pitch stainless should I go to?
The most important concern to be aware of is the correct rpm range for your engine. The propeller pitch regulates the engine rpm. Lowering the propeller pitch (going from a 23 pitch to a 21 pitch) will increase the engine rpm, just like shifting from third gear into first gear. Increasing the pitch (23 pitch to a 25 pitch) will decrease engine rpm. Most applications will match up pitch to pitch and this is the best starting point. Changing from Black Max aluminum to a Lazer II SS will usually decrease maximum rpm between 50 and 100 rpm and increase top speed by 2 to 3 mph. If your aluminum was operating in the mid rpm range for your engine, the next lower pitch Lazer II propeller should be best for you. Changing from Black Max aluminum to a High Five SS the rpm should hardly change. In most cases when moving to a High Five from a 21″ 3 blade aluminum at the top of the rpm range test at Stingray have shown a 23″ to work best. This would seem to contradict previous information. The 23″ H