In the Sibley Nature Center column in the Midland Reporter Telegram a salt playa was mentioned recently. Can people go to that playa?
Most salt playas are on private land, however, Pleasure Lake, east of Stanton on I-20, allows four-wheeling and other activities on that playa. Many of the plants that are adapted to saline soils can be found there. • When do the Purple Martins come back? Scouts may return in mid-February, and by March for sure. • Are metal houses okay for Martins? Some people say it gets too hot for them. A number of metal houses have produced young for years. Once in a while dead babies will be found in a house after the parents leave, however, and the cause is not accurately known. It might be disease, parasites, death of the parents, pesticides, or maybe even unusual heat of many days duration. • Was the bittern in the MRT story the one that has been at the Center all winter, and was photographed for the February virtual trail? That story was written over 5 years ago, and it was about a different bittern. • In February we see lots of dead skunks, and we learned that February is the season for the m
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