Internet Relay Chat (IRC)?
IRC is one of the most popular uses of IPv6. It also comes with a large amount of abuse, which is very unfortunate. For our European users however, we have made arrangements with the various IPv6 IRC server administrators on EFnet and IRCnet to support IPv6 connections. When users use IRC to chat (and not to evade policy or run bots) and don’t cause trouble, it is permitted to chat via SixXS tunnelbrokers. Of course the local PoP policy may differ from this generic statement and the IRC server administrators are granted exclusive rights on allowing/disallowing users on their servers. Whenever possible use only the IRC server which is located in your own country and don’t connect to foreign servers. We do not condone DNS Spam. Using IPv6 for having ‘vhosts’ thus is not allowed and accounts doing so will be terminated without questions or notification. Providing shells to other individuals is also not allowed. Running an IRCd is also not condoned. Remember, IRC is a privilege, not a righ