Is a Debian “live CD” available?
Yes. A so-called live CD, or more precisely, a live system, is a complete system prepared for a CD, DVD, USB key or other medium. You do not need to install anything on the hard drive. Instead you boot from the CD or other medium and are able to start working on the machine right away. All programs run directly from the medium. The Debian Live Project produces live image files for a variety of system types and media.
A so-called “live CD” is a CD which contains a complete system pre-installed on the CD. You do not need to install anything on the harddisc, instead you boot from CD and are able to start working on the machine right away. All programs run directly from CD. The Debian Live Project produces a variety of live CDs using only unchanged, official Debian packages. Additionally, we would like to recommend Knoppix, which is based on Debian – a very useful, full-featured live CD!