Is applause appropriate in worship?
“Clap your hands, all you people.” For some people, the debate over applause in worship is silenced when this verse from the psalms is quoted. Unfortunately, the matter is really not that simple. In order to be clear about the discussion, we must begin by differentiating between applause and clapping. Rhythmic clapping is an essential element in certain music, especially music with roots in cultures other than northern European. As the church explores music from many cultures, we must be open to clapping in worship, whether by a choir or congregation. Clapping as a part of musical expression is different from applause. Liturgically, there are occasional moments when applause is an appropriate acclamation of the action just completed. In some congregations applause is used to welcome the newly baptized into the community of faith or to acknowledge the newly ordained. In some situations, it might be appropriate to greet a newly married couple with applause. When those providing service t