Is classical music still relevant today?
Today one often talks about music as either ‘classical’ or ‘popular.’ A thorough explanation of classical music and how it fits into today’s musical spectrum could fill a book, but a simple definition might be this: classical music is music that has withstood the test of time. This does not mean, however, that classical music is not popular. In fact, by this definition, classical music is the most popular music of all time. Classical music is still the cornerstone of the modern orchestral repertoire because of its timeless value to the listener. Some musical classics are easily and immediately accessible, while others demand more from the listener. Great music – of any style – is like great literature; it touches your heart and mind, and the more you learn about it and listen to it, the more you get out of it. [back to top] Is there an audience etiquette at Symphony concerts? When you attend a live performance, simply enjoy your experience and allow others to enjoy theirs as well. Ther