Is ETS Surgery the Dream Or Nightmare to Cure Sweaty Palms?
Sweaty Palms or palmar hyperhidrosis is a very common condition which affects 1 percent or 3 million Americans suffering from it. It is suspect that at least more than 5 times this number have this condition but are suffering silently instead as they do not know where and how to find treatment to cure sweaty palms. Social repercussions and side effects of hand sweating is more severe than the physical. Simple daily activities like shaking hands with strangers and holding hands with your loved ones can be embarrassing moments if you are caught off guard with sweaty hands. I know, as I used to be a sufferer of excessive hand sweating. It has been proven that palmar hypderhidrosis is hereditary while there are also many triggers which do aggravate excessive hand sweating such as stress, obesity etc. If you are a sufferer, you are open to several key types of treatment which essentially helps you to either suppress and control the condition or cure sweaty palms from the root. For severe ca