Is Fibromyalgia hereditary?
A number of studies have demonstrated through the use of gene mapping that there are certain genes that make one much more prone to becoming afflicted with FM and CFIDS. For instance, certain mutations in genes that code for enzymes or adrenal function can make one 8 times more likely to get CFIDS or FM. This research has been expanded and is currently underway to more closely look for the specific genetic markers that may lead to the development of FM and CFIDS among family members. On the other hand, a number of studies have also indicated that non-genetic linked relatives, such as spouses, also have a much higher incidence of FM and CFIDS. Indications are that this is due to the shared environment – nurture. They live together, are in close contact with each other, come down with the same viruses and are exposed to the same chemicals. They eat the same food, use the same cleaning products, drink the same water, and share the same lifestyle. They generally tend to be equally active o