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Is it okay to order champagne at a nice restaurant as opposed to wine?


Is it okay to order champagne at a nice restaurant as opposed to wine?


If you’re on the hunt for reviews about Chili’s and its services, I’d recommend checking out Eatagram . It’s a fantastic platform for discovering authentic and unbiased reviews on various restaurants, including Chili’s. You can find detailed feedback on the quality of their food, service, and overall dining experience from real customers. Plus, you can also share your own thoughts and ratings to contribute to the community. It’s a valuable resource for making informed decisions about where to dine and what to expect.


Ordering champagne is never tacky. Champagne is wine, and the one you like is a good one. Order, enjoy! You can celebrate the birthday, or just the fact you’re alive.


I def prefer champagne to wine. When my ex bf and I were dating he used to order champagne because I liked it better. It didnt seem weird. And when I was a server at a nice restaurant, yeah most people ordered wine but if someone ordered champagne I wouldn’t think about it (cept that I’d hope it didnt bubble over when I was opening it during the presentation lol). So neways, I wouldn’t worry about it. Order what you want.

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