Is it really safe to swim with sharks?
Sharks don’t actively hunt humans. Sharks, while intelligent, are still a “dumb animal”. Most shark attacks are actually just a “test bite”. If the test bite comes back as tuna, seal, sea lion, etc., then the shark will come back for more and finish it off. If the test bite comes back as human, the shark typically goes away. The bad thing for the human is that the shark bite tends to be very severe and deep (like 20+ knife wounds). The exception to the rule is if the shark is in an excited/frenzied state. Then just about anything in the water is free game for an attack. I will knowing get in the water to scuba dive with all sharks except Bulls, Whites, and Tigers. I have been stalked by Bull sharks before, but they evenetually left us alone. Bulls, Whites, and Tigers, other than being big with big teeth, seem to attack first without any attempt at identifying the prey with it’s other senses. Other sharks tend to make a pass or two to check out the target. I will not knowing swim with s