Is it rude to call someones phone to talk to someone else?
My bf doesn’t have a cell phone, so whenever his best friend needs to reach him and we are out, he calls my phone. It only gets annoying when we tell him what we are doing, and he keeps bothering us. I don’t see you as being rude. I see his family as being major hypocrites…they want to reach him when you two are out, however they don’t want you disturbing them and calling their phones. I say if they keep having a problem, stop answering the phone when they call for your bf. It’s actually your bf that is in the wrong….he needs to get a new phone and stop inconveniencing everyone.
His family should be a little more understanding about the situation. If they are that upset, they can buy him a new phone. Go ahead and call his mom. I mean, this is a legitimate reason. You need to know where he is. It may be time to have a conversation with the boyfriend himself. Tell him that his friends and family have no problem using you as your boyfriend’s own personal secretary, but when you try to give THEM a message, they are quite rude about it. Tell him you can’t take much more of this. If they are calling your cell phone (using YOUR minutes), it may be time to not pick up that phone at all. Sorry his phone got stolen, but he needs to get another and stop inconveniencing you.
I think its rude of them to be so nasty to you. I am in a similar situation with my boyfriend. His new place has no phone jacks so I let him use my phone. Sometimes his friend or mother will call me. Its not big deal to me. They don’t care if I call over there for him. I think you should say something to your boyfriend next time you’re out tell him how they treat you. I also think you should call one more time. If no one answers then just make other plans don’t ever sit around waiting for a guy, even if he is your boyfriend.