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Is it true that some patients with endometriosis have bloody stools, bloody urine, painful urination and painful bowel movements?


Is it true that some patients with endometriosis have bloody stools, bloody urine, painful urination and painful bowel movements?


• Q. I was told that I have uterine fibroids and endometriosis. Does this happen frequently? • Q. How often does endometriosis lead to cancer? • Q. I have pain all the time and since the pain of endometriosis is usually just prior and during the menstrual cycle, is it possible that I have endometriosis? • Q. I have had two spontaneous miscarriages and later on, when I was diagnosed as having endometriosis, I was told that these events could be related. Is this true? • Q. On pelvic examination, I had a retroplaced uterus and my doctor said I had endometriosis. How common is this? • Q. I had a hysterectomy and removal of my tubes and ovaries. However, two years later, I had a very painful area in my pelvis and was told that I had endometriosis. Is this possible? • Q. What is the significance of CA-125? • Q. Are there any diseases that can be misdiagnosed as endometriosis or vice versa? • Q. After I had a hysterectomy, I was told that I had adenomyosis. Is that different from endometriosi

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.