Is it worth relocating from London to Abu Dhabi for this offer?
As you know, in the Middle East your salary will depend on your nationality and experience. Taking this into consideration, this offer is good for a young Lebanese starting a new job. It’s easy to commute between Abu Dhabi and Mussafah (around 30 min. depending on the time). Labor camps you hardly won’t see. You just have to be carefull especially at the weekends, because laborers tend to cross the street often without paying any attentention. Your housing allowance will be enough to search for a nice master bedroom with attached bathroom in shared accommodation or small appartment in a villa. By visiting the link giving below, you can search the market: You may have mostly Indian colleques, but for a man that shouldn’t be a problem. You all sit in the same boat. Abu Dhabi isn’t boring at all. Join a sport club, go to the beach or get you a member ship in any gym. Abu Dhabi is a villiage in