Is marijuana considered a barbiturate?
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I don’t think so because marijuana is actually a fairly light product and is often used for medical purposes to treat anxiety, insomnia, and pain. The most important thing in this case is not to take too much because you can get used to it and then you will need tips to quit smoking weed which was useful to me last year when I realized my addiction to marijuana and it was disgusting because I felt very bad. It was then that I found the right article and people who together helped me still quit this drug and Smoking, for which I am very grateful to them
No, marijuana is not considered a barbiturate. The main characteristic of barbeturates is that they act on the central nervous system, while marijuana does not. I might surprise you now, but some cannabis-containing substances are considered medicinal. If you are interested, you can read about it here . I sometimes use drugs like this. They really help a lot, the main thing is to observe the dosage. I very often have stomach pains, as well as headaches. These substances help me even better than regular pills from the pharmacy. As crazy as it sounds to you, it is. If you want, you can try it yourself, but the main thing is not to get carried away with it. I would not use such drugs permanently.
Why so many people use marijuana? That’s really a strange thing for me because there are some similar products. I am talking about for example. So why not to use it instead?
In no way is cannabis considered a barbiturate. It is a psychotropic, merely a mood enhancer, which is felt by the receptors in the cells that are binding with the Delta-9-THC. Barbiturates, on the other hand, are central nervous system depressants, and cause effects of sedation and/or anesthesia (in larger quantity). Taking Cannabis does not suppress the central nervous system, merely it causes a state of relaxation that is felt mentally first, then physically second. Barbiturates are more similar in effect to ethanol (consumable alcohol) and bares no relation with Cannabis, which does not metabolize at the same rate as a barbiturate, nor do they share similar effects of addiction, as Barbiturates are an addiction that can kill human beings even after surviving an overdose or heading to the withdrawal phase. Cannabis has never, in the history of western medical science, caused an overdose that resulted in death.