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Is Missouris Stem Cell Initiative Amendment using an elephant gun to hunt mice?


Is Missouris Stem Cell Initiative Amendment using an elephant gun to hunt mice?


It seems that Missouri’s “Constitutional Amendment 2 – Stem Cell Initiative” is taking on national significance. As an Ole Seagull tries to analyze it all, he is constantly reminded of the old adage, “You don’t use the same gun to hunt elephants and mice.” The front page of a major website supporting Amendment 2,, proclaims that the passage of Amendment 2 “ensures that Missouri patients will have equal access to any federally approved stem cell cures that are available to other Americans.” Yet, as one goes though the site, they will not find one instance where it is even alleged that Missouri patients do not currently, today and now, have “equal access to any federally approved stem cell cures that are available to other Americans,” not one! Even more ludicrous however, is the site’s answer to the question, “Are the research and cures protected by the Initiative already allowed under federal and state law?” Incredulously, the answer to the question is “Yes. Curren

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