Is Southwest targeting US Airways because of its weak financial position?
We want our success to be dependent on what we do and not based on our competitors. They were both markets that had virtually no low-fare offerings. US Airways is among the highest-cost carriers out there, so it’s no surprise there’s a direct correlation between that and the fact that the fares are high. (We’re also) looking for places that are underserved. Philadelphia we hadn’t served before now because we couldn’t get gates. Pittsburgh has plenty of capacity. It’s just not well-suited for a hub because of its smaller size as far as traffic. That changed last year when (US Airways) drew down service. Both those choices were driven by those criteria, not that fact that the carrier is US Airways. You obviously don’t cut the flamboyant figure that former CEO Herb Kelleher did (and does). Has anyone inside or outside the company questioned if Southwest needs another leader who dresses like Elvis, swills Wild Turkey and chain smokes? We all adore Herb, and it’s wonderful to work for a com