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Is the Medicare Gap claimable under the Personal Accident Insurance policy?


Is the Medicare Gap claimable under the Personal Accident Insurance policy?


No. The Health Insurance Act (Cth) 1973 does not permit the Insurer to contribute to any charges covered by Medicare (including the Medicare Gap). This means that any charges for treatment from a Doctor, Surgeon, Anaesthetist or Surgeon’s Assistant are not covered. It also means charges for X-Ray, some MRI scans (if Medicare registered) and Public Hospitals are not covered. In addition, there will be no refund in respect of: • Any expenses recoverable by You from any other insurance scheme or plan providing medical or similar coverage or from any other source except for the excess of the amount recoverable from such other policies/plans; • Any expense to which the National Health Act (Cth) 1953 or any of the regulations made there under apply.

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*Sadly, we had to bring back ads too. Hopefully more targeted.